
Tokelau Curriculum Review and Revisions (Registration of Interest)

The Tokelau Department of Education is seeking registrations of interest (ROI)
from suitably qualified people to review, revise and further develop the curriculum
statements in Tokelau Language, English, Mathematics, Science Social Science
and Health and Physical Education.


Tokelau has three schools, one on each of the three atolls, Fakaofo, Nukunonu
and Atafu. The schools have rolls of between 140 to 180 students. The students
are organised into four distinct groupings- early childhood, Years 1 to 8, Years 9-
11, and the senior secondary. Years 12 and 13 study foundation and transition
programmes provided remotely by the University of the South Pacific (USP). A
fifth group is made up of tertiary students studying a range of USP degree

There are four school terms each of 10 weeks for ECE to Year 11 whereas Year 12
and 13 operate on a semester system of 14 weeks each.

The current curriculum statements were reviewed and revised in 2014 and have
been in use since then.

Tokelau learners are generally English as second language learners. The Language
of instruction for year one to three is Tokelauan. During year three English is
introduced and formally taught. Each year the percentage of Tokelauan language
used for instruction reduces as the percentage of English used increases. By the
time students are in year seven and beyond the language of instruction is 50%
Tokelauan and 50% English. It is expected that learners will be familiar with and
able to use academic English needed for success in each curriculum area.

Purpose and scope

The review includes Tokelau Language, English, Mathematics, Science, Social
Science and Health and Physical Education statements. There is no current
Tokelau Health and Physical Education curriculum, therefore the writer of this
curriculum will begin with a blank page.

We expect that the writers of the Tokelau and English Language will collaborate
closely and develop the two statements in parallel

The purpose of the review is to ensure the new Tokelau curriculum upholds the
unique traditions, values, beliefs, language and contexts that shape Tokelau
culture. It must incorporate the knowledge and competencies needed for success
in 21st Century Tokelau and the wider world.

The current National Curriculum Policy Framework (NCPF) contains a useful
introduction and guide to the aspirations philosophies and thinking of Tokelau in
relation to the curriculum. It will inform the review process and outcomes.
(Appendix one).

A working group will drive the review and development of the new Tokelau
Curriculum. The working group will consist of six writers, one for each curriculum
area and Department of Education Coordinators, who will provide input into
culture, language, and local contexts.

The Tokelau Department of Education appreciate that writers may seek support
from others to meet the diverse range of expected outcomes of this review

The current curriculum describes learning from the beginning of primary schooling
to Year eleven. Some include learning at ECE level. It is organised by individual
year levels. Year 12 and Year 13 learners follow a programme, assessments and
qualifications delivered by the University of the South Pacific (USP).

The new curriculum will include years’ twelve and thirteen and will be organised
in learning levels, as in the New Zealand arrangement of learning levels.

Tokelau plans to adopt the New Zealand National Certificate of Educational
Achievement (NCEA) for year eleven to thirteen students. It is important that the
learning trajectory in the revised curriculum tracks towards success at level six
aligning with NCEA level one. Therefore, the revised curriculum will align with the
New Zealand Curriculum, and the assessment requirements in the achievement
standards and unit standards. Writers must understand and use thinking
generated by the emerging developments in the New Zealand Curriculum and the
review of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement.

We are currently exploring how to widen learning opportunities that lead to
worthwhile outcomes for all students. Therefore, the outcomes of the revised
curriculum must integrate into vocational pathway programmes.

Tokelau Education is embarking upon a futuristic development in information
technology and digital learning. It is expected the revised curriculum will reflect
how digital technology supports and integrates into each curriculum area.

Who we are looking for?

Tokelau Education would like to hear from individuals, or individuals who may
assemble a small team who collectively have:
  • An appreciation of Tokelau or Polynesian perspective of teaching and learning
  • Previous national curriculum review and design experience
  • Worked with teachers to review, design and implement curriculum and can appreciate teacher perspectives
  • An in-depth knowledge of the New Zealand Curriculum
  • A strong formative assessment background to teaching and learning
  • An understanding of NCEA and the new standards currently under development
  • Capability to collaborate with other writers to create coherent learning progressions and language
  • Experience working across cultures and bi-multilingual contexts
  • For those interested in the Tokelau and English Language statements it is expected you will have bilingual/second language experience
  • The time allocation to meet the planned timeframe
  • An understanding of the cultural, social and economic issues impacting on Pacific islands
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines


The review process will involve a conceptualising, review drafting and feedback
phases, finishing with a draft ready to format and publish.

The process timeframe will be from 1st November 2020 to 9th July 2021.

We aim to use Term 3 2021 to format and publish, with the aim of having a final
version in schools during Term 4 2021.

Time allocation will be negotiated with the contractor. During that time allocation
the writer will:
  • Participate in a three-day workshop with all members of the working group to conceptualise a common understanding of pedagogy, language and cultural context appropriate to Tokelauan learners. In addition, agreed formats, structures and alignments will be co-constructed.
  • Review and revise the content of current statements. Add, new ideas concepts and content
  • Liaise with curriculum coordinators to understand local ideas and contexts and receive feedback, ensuring the curriculum reflect Tokelau Language and culture
  • Develop a matrix of learning outcomes that show the significant learning expected of learners at each level
  • Create the new levels associated with year twelve and thirteen
  • Convert the statement from year group to a level structure
  • Present first draft by the 16th April to the Tokelau Director of Education.

Consultation phase
The consultation and feedback loop include:

  • Curriculum coordinators will take the drafts to each atoll and lead a critique and feedback process with key stake holders
  • External reviewers will critique drafts
  • Final workshop 10th and 11th June 2021 with the wider working group to understand feedback, check alignment, consistency, and coherency across the whole curriculum
  • Writers adjust drafts in relation to feedback and outcomes of the workshop
  • Final draft of whole curriculum presented to external reviewers for critique by 25th June 2021
  • Where necessary writers make adjustments in relation to recommendations, and
  • A final draft submitted by 9th July 2021 ready for formatting and publishing
Under current travel limitations, writers will need to be prepared to work at a
distance using email and Zoom if necessary.

More specific details of process will be negotiated with the successful candidates.


Writers will be responsible to the Director of Education or her representative
assigned to this project.


By the 16th April 2021 there is a completed draft document in the selected
curriculum area ready for critiques and feedback that:
  • Is expressed as outcomes that identify what learners are expected to know, be able to do and value
  • Expresses learning in a coherent progression from level one to level eight
  • Is laid out as a learning map format showing progression level by level
  • Includes key competencies and dispositions
  • Reflects Tokelau contexts
  • Incorporates outcomes appropriate to Tokelauan bilingual learners
  • Takes account of pedagogical approaches that work for Tokelauan learners
  • Includes digital learning outcomes
  • Includes levels six, seven, and eight with outcomes appropriate for year eleven, twelve and thirteen students undertaking NCEA qualifications
  • Includes any additional ideas recommended by external reviewers and or key stake holders, and
  • Aligns with the terminology, philosophical structure and outcomes expressed in the New Zealand Curriculum


Dates are proposed and will be confirmed
Deliverable Due Date
Attend three-day workshop 4th 5th and 6th November 2020
First draft presented in RTF format 16th April 2021
Consultation and feedback  
Attend final alignment workshop and receive feedback 10th and 11th June 2021
Completed final draft curriculum
delivered to the Director of Education
9 July 2021


Beginning November 4th 2020 and end 9th July 2021

Milestones and Payments

Payments will be made in three instalments on receipt of invoice and
accompanying output reports and expected deliverables on dates to be negotiated


Please direct any questions to

Barry Potter

barry.potter@outlook.com or

phone 0274529085

How to submit your registration of interest

Closing date 4.00pm 23rdOctober

Please email the following as a single PDF document to Elaine Lameta, Director of
Education. elaine.lameta@tokelau.org.nz We will acknowledge receipt of your
registration of interest

1. Explain the Curriculum area or areas you are interested in working on
2. Please submit a relevant CV
3. If you plan to include people to supplement your skills set, please include a brief CV for each person
4. Please respond to the following, in three A4 pages or less explaining the experience and capabilities of you and or your team that          demonstrates you have.
  • An appreciation of Tokelau or Polynesian perspective of teaching and learning
  • Previous national curriculum review and design experience
  • Worked with teachers to review, design, and implement curriculum and can appreciate teacher perspectives
  • An in-depth knowledge of the New Zealand Curriculum
  • A strong formative assessment background to teaching and learning
  • An understanding of NCEA and the new standards currently under development
  • Capability to collaborate with other writers to create coherent learning progressions and language
  • Experience working across cultures
  • The time allocation to meet the planned timeframe
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines

5. Please indicate an estimated daily cost for services

6. Names and contact details of three Referees who can verify your experience and skills relevant to this piece of work.

7. Your contact details
  • Name
  • Postal address
  • Phone number
  • Cell Phone
  • Email

Timeline for forming agreement with contractors

Expressions of interest close 4.00pm 16th October

Panel convenes to identify successful people

Successful registrations of interest contacted and specific details of next steps in
proposal process are negotiated

Formal contracts negotiated

Work begins at the workshop on 4th November

National Curriculum Policy Framework