Learn Tokelauan

Tokelauan English Translation Tokelauan English Translation
Mâlô nî! Greeting Mâlô Greeting
Tâlofa nî! Greeting Tâlofa Greeting
Tûlou nî! Excuse me E lelei Its ok
E â mai koe? How are you? (singular) Ko au e mâlohi I am well
E â mai koulua? How are you?
(two people)
Ko mâua e mâlolohi We are both well
E â mai koutou? How are you?
(more than two)
Ko mâtou e mâlolohi We are all well
Ko ai tô igoa? What is your name? Ko toku igoa ko Helen My name is Helen
Ko ai ô mâtua? Who are your parents? Ko ôku mâtua ko Sam ma Kea My parents are Sam and Kea
Ko ai ô tupuna? Who are your grandparents? Ko ôku tupuna ko Joe ma Emma My grandparents are Joe and Emma
Koe e fano ki fea? Where are you going? Ko au e fano ki te âkoga I am going to school
E fia kai koe? Are you hungry? Io, ko au e fia kaia lele Yes, I am very hungry
E fia inu koe? Are you thirsty? Heai, ko au e he fia inua No, I am not thirsty
Ko au ka fano I am about to go Kua lelei Ok
Tôfâ la nî! Farewell then Ke manuia te aho Have a good day
Te mâlûlû o te pô The night is cold Ko te tau e kino The weather is bad
Te vevela o te aho The day is hot Tâtou olo oi kaukau Lets go swimming
Heai, tâtou olo hihiva No, lets go dancing Ko au e vâivâi I am tired