The census is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in Tokelau. Information from the census provides an overall view of the people of Tokelau and the places where they live.
Census information is used to plan vital public services such as education, health, housing, and transport. It is also used to understand how society changes over time.
The census is held once every five years.
2016 Tokelau Census
The 2016 Tokelau Census of Population and Dwellings was held on 18 October 2016. The Office of the Council for the Ongoing Government of Tokelau has again worked with Statistics New Zealand on the Census and analysing the results. All TNSO/StatsNZ publications originating from it are now available on this page.
On trial from 8 September 2017: "Census story map"
The GIS people at Pacific Community (SPC) have turned some of the Tokelau Census data into an interactive website and invite you to explore the concept.
Please provide feedback so we can do more, and even better, to dr J.A. ("iapi") Jasperse, Statistics adviser TNSO,
Published 24 May 2017: Powerpoint presentations and handouts from 6-11 May consultation round
In English:
Data and policy workshop
- Module one: An Introduction to Statistics (pdf for print, 7 pages, 511 kB and Powerpoint presentation, 4.4MB)
- Module two: An overview of the Census (pdf for print, 5 pages, 375 kB and Powerpoint presentation, 613 kB)
- Module three: Census data overview (pdf for print, 9 pages, 2.9 MB and Powerpoint presentation, 5.5 MB)
- Module four: Using data in policy (pdf for print, 6 pages, 483 kB and Powerpoint presentation, 3.6 MB)
- Module five: Tokelau National Statistics Office (pdf for print, 5 pages, 483 kB and Powerpoint presentation, 2.6 MB)
In Tokelau language:
Tomuaga mo na akoakoga agai ki na fuainumela ma faiga tonu
Published 12 May 2017: Media release Tokelau Census team takes data back to the people
Published 2 May 2017: Analytical report
This is the full and final report presenting an analysis and description of the 2016 Tokelau Census data, and how they were collected.
Published 13 March 2017: Atoll profiles
Three atoll profiles have been prepared by the Tokelau National Statistics Office and Statistics New Zealand. Based on the 2016 Tokelau Census, these profiles provide comparisons between an atoll and Tokelau as a whole, but do not compare the atolls with one another.
Published 1 February 2017: Final data tables
The tables are grouped by topic. Seven sets of tables are available. They cover the following topics:
- 1) Demography (15 pages Excel, 74 kB)
- 2) Economic activity , revised (14 pages Excel, 69 kB)
- 3) Migration (7 pages Excel, 41 kB)
- 4) Education, revised (11 pages Excel, 59 kB)
- 5) Social profile (15 pages Excel , 174 kB)
- 6) Dwellings and households , revised (19 pages Excel, 82 kB)
- 7) Quality of life (10 pages Excel , 48 kB)
Published 11 November 2016: Population
Census held: 18 October 2016
2011 Tokelau Census
The 2011 Tokelau Census of Population and Dwellings was held on 18 October 2011. The Office of the Council for the Ongoing Government of Tokelau and Statistics New Zealand have worked together on the 2011 Tokelau Census.
Information on the census is hosted on the Statistics New Zealand website, where you can find:
2006 Tokelau Census
The 2006 Tokelau Census of Population and Dwellings was held on 18 October 2006. The Office of the Council for the Ongoing Government of Tokelau and Statistics New Zealand worked together on the 2006 Tokelau Census.
Information is available by clicking the links below:
- 2006 Tokelau Census Tables – these tables have detailed information on demography, migration, economic activity and employment, social profile, education, dwellings and household.
- 2006 Analytical Report – this report contains detailed analysis on a range of census topics as well as information on census methodology. This is the most comprehensive report available for users.
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