Home > Tokelau Government > Government Departments > Office of the Council for the Ongoing Government (OCOG) > Tokelau National Statistics Office
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www.spc.int/sdp Pacific Regional Information System (PRISM) prism.spc.int National Minimum Development Indicators www.spc.int/nmdi Statistics New Zealand www.stats.govt.nz |
The consumer price index (CPI) measures changes to the prices of consumer items bought by Tokelau households, giving a measure of inflation.
Go to the quarterly updated consumer price index page to access the latest releases and technical information on Tokelau's CPI.
A selection of macro- and micro-economic Tokelau statistics is available, summarised for the Tokelau Economic Summit in Atafu, 12-14 April 2018. (download pdf, 14 pages, 1.4MB)
The first-ever Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) was held in Tokelau from May 2015 to February 2016. Go to the Tokelau HIES page to access information about it.
A National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) is being developed with the assistance of the Paris21 organisation. In 2015, the following were completed:
The 3-yearly Population Count forms the basis for the number of elected representatives for each atoll at the General Fono.
In December 2013 the TNSO counted 1,383 usual residents for Tokelau. Visit the Population Count page for more information, including the final count release, demographic tables, and copies of the forms used in the Count.
For the population count 2016, results from the October 2016 Census were applied.
The Tokelau National Statistics Office has since mid 2013 produced, at the end of each financial year, a statement of intent for the coming year, with a summary of achievements in the preceding financial year. Latest version: TNSO Statement of Intent, 2017/18 (pdf 17 pages, 265 KB).